Policy Overview
VATSIM is governed by a variety of policies to ensure a safe and friendly environment for all members, while ensuring we comply with legal obligations.
Code of Conduct
Behaviour expectations of all registered users, whether online as a pilot, controller or observer.
Code of Regulations
The rules and guidelines for the governance of the network
User Agreement
User terms for the VATSIM.net network and services it provides
Privacy Policy
Outlines how VATSIM collects and uses data
Data Protection & Handling Policy
Outline of how VATSIM stores and maintains security of users data
Safeguarding Minors Policy
Outline of how VATSIM protects children and young people who participate in VATSIM's services
Global Controller Administration Policy
Global governance of controller training and rating upgrades (replaced Global Ratings Policy from 1st March 2024)
Transfer and Visiting Controller Policy
Outlines how members may transfer or visit another network facility
Special Operations Policy
Outlines requirements and operational procedures for VATSIM partnered Virtual Airlines and Special Operation Organisations
Approved Software Policy
Outlines available software for members and permitted connections
Network Broadcast Policy
Outlines the use of the network broadcast functionality
ATO Policy and Procedures Handbook
Regulations for pilot training by Authorised Training Organizations (ATOs)
Virtual Airline Associate Policy
Policy governing VATSIM associate virtual airlines
Virtual Airline Partner Policy
Policy governing VATSIM partner virtual airlines
ATC Frequency and Information Management Policy
Outlines the use of primary and secondary frequencies, ATIS, and Controller Information for Air Traffic Controllers
Approved Developer CoC Exemption Policy
Governs the granting of temporary exemptions from the established rule limiting each user to a single connection to the network.